15.1 Efficiency Tips This workout is the reason why I love...

15.1 Efficiency Tips

This workout is the reason why I love CrossFit. What an exceptional demonstration of capacity, strength and skill!

For 15.1(a), I want to focus on concepts that will help streamline the workout and leave you feeling best prepared for the 6 minutes to find your “heavy single” clean and jerk. In my mind, this workout is all about strategy and fuel efficiency in 15.1 so that you have enough left over to make your attempts in 15.1a.

1. Focus on staying balanced over the middle of the feet while cycling the snatches. Balance and intentional finishing of the legs during extension will help minimize any unintentional shifting in the body that happens with fatigue and the potential of pushing/looping the bar around the body.

2. Focus on creating a smooth rhythm using the limits of your technique to gauge the speed of your movement. If your movement starts to slop too much and you allow yourself to redline, your chances of being out of breath at the 9 minute mark increases minimizing your potential in 15.1a.

3. RELAX. I know this sounds counterintuitive, but trust me. You can turn up and still be relaxed at the same time. Or in other words, turning down any unnecessary tension and “settling in” to your movement. Creating more tension than what’s necessary will drain your energy and fatigue you during the workout faster. Pay close attention to not over-gripping the bar on the toes to bar, deadlift and snatches.

4. Have a plan! Don’t try and figure out what you’re going to load on your bar when 15.1a starts. Figure that you have between 4-6 attempts before you time out aiming to end at around 90% (+/- 5%). Of course, this plan should be flexible as you feel out your first attempt and build from there.

5. Lastly, know your capacity and start breaking up the reps BEFORE you hit failure. Or, if you are new and don’t understand your abilities just yet, stop to rest and always save 2-3 reps in the tank. Don’t wait until after you redline, it will be very difficult to reclaim and recover your stamina and breathe without sacrificing a good amount of valuable time and points.

Have fun crew! I’m so stoked to watch this all go down over the next 4 days!