My @codyapp Faults & Fixes bundle is back on sale at 35% off...

My @codyapp Faults & Fixes bundle is back on sale at 35% off for the next 48 hours! I launched this series about six months ago, and have heard so much great feedback, I wanted to put this out there once more. This series will take you through the entire series of Olympic-Style lifts such as clean, jerk and snatch and will DIAGNOSE and FIX faults in your lifts!

This 4-part bundle goes over your whole body, starting with footwork and extension faults before moving on to teach you how to transfer energy to the bar and bring it to its highest level in your finish. Each plan includes a set of progressions and drills to help you practice each part of the movement sequence so you can retest with more effective and proper form. I’ve also included a FREE Mobility Quickstart Guide that includes exercises and drills that will compliment your Olympic lifting training.

#FuBarbell #CodyApp #USAweightlifting #crossfit #education #crossfitgirls #crossfitmen #weightlifting #instagramfitness #liftingALLtheweights