Only 24 hours left to get my Footwork for Olympic-Style Lifting...

Only 24 hours left to get my Footwork for Olympic-Style Lifting at the introductory price!



Have trouble losing the bar forward? Loosing the bar back? If you were one of my athletes in FuBarbell, we’d start by addressing your foot faults including Foot Position, Jumping & Landing, Stability, and Balance. The videos in this plan are used to show how to identify these faults, what causes these faults, and how to address them. Tips and Drills accompany each video to give you the tools you need to clean up your technique and building a strong base in your lifts.

#CrossFit #CodyApp #CrossFit #Olympicstyleweightlifting #usaw #snatch #clean #cleanandjerk #technique #education #motivation #instagramfitness