There are three popular types of starting positions for you and...
There are three popular types of starting positions for you and your athlete to explore. All of them with various benefits for the athlete.
The three types of starting positions are:
1. The static start
2. The dynamic start (top down/bottom up)
3. The dive start
For the newer athlete, consistency during the take off is probably one of the primary factors in choosing which starting position to adopt. Often times, this lands them on the static start where the body can get “locked” into the same start position with each lift. Both the dynamic and dive start can offer a little extra energy in the take off adding to the overall quality of the lift. But for someone still developing their awareness for these movements, these types of starts can put them in a slightly different place during each take off making lifting inconsistent.
Credits: @kallpacrossfit @kshimee @richfroning @jimschmitz
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