The transition of the knees during the first pull is arguably...

The transition of the knees during the first pull is arguably one of the most difficult positions for the beginner to negotiate. This is largely because we are at a mechanical disadvantage hinging so far out over our base. Beginners with weaker hamstrings and lower backs won’t be able to take the pressure necessary to shove the knees out of the way and subsequently will either move the bar around their knees and/or start pulling the shoulders back behind the bar too soon.

Attention to maintaining good positions during movement will help correct deviations from this bar line along with getting the hamstrings and lower back stronger. A few of my favorite corrective exercises are:

1. Romanian Deadlifts (RDLs)

2. Good Mornings - all variety of seated, wide, narrow stance

3. Snatch Grip 2” Deficit Deadlifts

4. Halting or Pause Snatch/Clean Deadlifts

5. GHD Raises

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