Whether you’re a general athlete looking for some strategy to...

Whether you’re a general athlete looking for some strategy to build strength and power, or if you simply want to get stronger in Olympic-style lifts, my @codyapp Rise Strength program and FREE “Weightlifters Guide to Efficiency” e-book will get you there. Get it now while it’s on sale for over 30% off!


Follow the link in my bio to learn more and watch free previews!


The series is broken up into three 4-week blocks. Each phase pairs partial lifts with a variety of dynamic accessory movements to build awareness, control, speed, and explosiveness.


In the first 4-week phase you will develop strength in push and pull mechanics, systematically increase your leg strength through a solid back squat cycle, and establish solid foundational bodyweight strength.


In Builder I we’ll ramp up the intensity of the accessory work and increase the complexity of the partial lifts by developing and lengthening the pulls. By making the pulls larger and longer, you’ll be challenged to recruit more muscular strength, incorporate range of motion control, and enlist more body awareness. In the third and final phase we will peel back on squat strength and work more on pulling strength in the snatch, clean, and jerk. We’ll focus on carrying weight from the floor to overhead in the fastest and most efficient way possible with the strength and skills you’ve learned in the previous 8 weeks.