It’s been a while since I’ve been home on a Saturday...
It’s been a while since I’ve been home on a Saturday with my club — very thankful to have our team captain Pat (@paddygriffin) manning the helm. I found out today that the team has also been staying motivated through the musings of Sean (@croneybaloney). Wouldn’t trade these guys in for the world, lol.
“If I can’t carry all my groceries in one trip, am I not lifting enough? If I can carry all my groceries in one trip, am I not eating enough?”
#FuBarbell #FuSaturdayMusings #ReebokONE #weightlifting #crossfit #crossfitgirls #crossfitmen #Olympicstyleweightlifting #usaw #snatch #clean #cleanandjerk #technique #education #motivation #instagramfitness