
Boone of CrossFit SAA (@crossfitsaa) demonstrating a strong...

Boone of CrossFit SAA (@crossfitsaa) demonstrating a strong finish in his pull. Does the bar have a tendency to get away from you when it leaves your hips? Or, do you like to hop forward when receiving the bar? To hedge these pesky problems from happening, make sure the legs don’t give up on pushing through the floor until hips are done with its work. One of my favorite cues to help with solving this problem is to have the athlete think about “punching” their quads at the top of the pull.


Boone of CrossFit SAA (@crossfitsaa) demonstrating a strong...

Boone of CrossFit SAA (@crossfitsaa) demonstrating a strong finish in his pull. Does the bar have a tendency to get away from you when it leaves your hips? Or, do you like to hop forward when receiving the bar? To hedge these pesky problems from happening, make sure the legs don’t give up on pushing through the floor until hips are done with its work. One of my favorite cues to help with solving this problem is to have the athlete think about “punching” their quads at the top of the pull.


My @codyapp Olympic-Style Weightlifting bundle has been my post...

My @codyapp Olympic-Style Weightlifting bundle has been my post popular course, and now has over 1K members! This week @codyapp and I have partnered with @stupideasypaleo and we’re re-launching this 12-week program for 20% off! This series will develop and improve three major lifts: the snatch, clean and jerk.


Dmitry Klokov (@klokovd) demonstrating a pause snatch while...

Dmitry Klokov (@klokovd) demonstrating a pause snatch while hanging out in an exaggerated knee position. Looking on is Ilya Ilyin (@ilyailyin4ever), Zygmunt Scmalcerz and Yasha Khan (@yashakahn). This movement appears to be a staple in his training helping him build a stronger back for the lifts.

#FuBarbell #RussianWeightlifting #USAWeightlifting #CrossFit #Olympicstyleweightlifting #usaw #snatch #clean #cleanandjerk #technique #education #motivation #instagramfitness

