
Day 2 of the Level Up seminar is a wrap!! It gets me so pumped...

Day 2 of the Level Up seminar is a wrap!! It gets me so pumped seeing light bulbs go on as we applied concepts learned earlier in the day. THANK YOU everyone who made it out for the weekend. I had a blast meeting you all!! And thanks Kate from The Athlete Lab for hosting this weekend :)


#FuBarbell #TheAthleteLab #CrossFit #Olympicstyleweightlifting #usaw #snatch #clean #cleanandjerk #technique #education #motivation #instagramfitness


Day 1 at The Athlete Lab is a wrap! Great foundations course...

Day 1 at The Athlete Lab is a wrap! Great foundations course today focusing on movement progressions and weightlifting theory. Everyone was extremely attentive to detail and it was great to see the lights go on. Looking forward to Day 2 tomorrow as we get laser focused on movement error identification and correction with the Level Up seminar!

#FuBarbell #TheAthleteLab #CrossFit #Olympicstyleweightlifting #usaw #snatch #clean #cleanandjerk #technique #education #motivation #instagramfitness


Having difficulty staying patient over the bar? Not sure what...

Having difficulty staying patient over the bar? Not sure what that even feels like or need another way to develop that back strength? Check out this little nugget from Max Aita (@mxaita) of Max’s Gym: the straight/stiff-leg snatch.

Used as a complimentary component to a more robust weightlifting protocol, give this piece a try for a 3-4 week block starting at ~70% of your 1RM snatch for 4-5 sets of 2 and build up towards 80% (or above if your skill and strength allow).


Grab your straps here: www.FuBarbell.com/Gear FuBarbell coach +...

Grab your straps here:


FuBarbell coach + athlete Kristin Newman (@strength_geek) is not only a national level Olympic-style weightlifter, she also carries an elite total in powerlifting and is about to qualify for nationals in strongman. A modern day physical culturist, Kristin is here today with a post about the application of straps.

"You don’t want hand pain from over-use or torn callouses to get in the way of your training. That’s where straps come in.


Most of the athletes I meet aren’t interested in becoming...

Most of the athletes I meet aren’t interested in becoming professional Olympic weightlifters. Usually, Olympic-style weightlifting is just a smaller component of a much larger whole. Understanding this component opens up the doors on how you could repurpose the lifts to match your needs and also find greater fulfillment in the things you do. After all, unless you plan on making weightlifting your career, I hope you are having some fun along the way.

