
FuBarbell movement demos are live and in action! Offering both...

FuBarbell movement demos are live and in action! Offering both the front view, profile view and the movement in slow motion, we are committed to bringing you the best learning/teaching tools available. We will be expanding the library as we go bringing you all the good tidbits along the way.

Come check us out!


#FuBarbell #USAWeightlifting #crossfit #crossfitgirls #crossfitmen #Olympicweightlifting #snatch #clean #cleanandjerk #technique #instagramfitness


Killin’ it today at CrossFit Danville! Great...

Killin’ it today at CrossFit Danville! Great clean&jerk workshop with this crew. Thanks everyone for keeping things fresh.

#FuBarbell #CrossFitDanville #USAWeightlifting #crossfit #crossfitgirls #crossfitmen #Olympicweightlifting #snatch #clean #cleanandjerk #technique


CrossFit Open 14.2 Wow, CrossFit HQ sure is clever! I wait in...

CrossFit Open 14.2

Wow, CrossFit HQ sure is clever! I wait in anticipation each week to see how they will spin these WODs; and just when you don’t think they can come up with something original, CrossFit HQ never ceases to amaze me. Love it.

This week’s challenge has two movements, the overhead squat and chest to bar pull-ups. At face value, this seemingly innocent couplet seems simple but it’s far from simplistic. Demanding a rather large end range for both, either one or both can be the nemesis for the athlete within this WOD.

Points of Performance for 14.2:

