
14.1 in the bag! And yes, it’s just as spicy as I remember...

14.1 in the bag! And yes, it’s just as spicy as I remember it being back in 2011. Thank you @crossfitoahufamily for bringing the energy and support. This is the first time I’ve done a CF WOD and double unders since last year’s Open. Felt a little rusty, but I gave it my best. So excited for the next 4 weeks!! Bring it.

#FuBarbell #CrossFitOahu #CrossFitOpen2014 #USAWeightlifting #crossfit #crossfitgirls #crossfitmen #Olympicweightlifting #snatch #clean #cleanandjerk #technique


I vividly remember doing this workout in 2011 at the old Parking...

I vividly remember doing this workout in 2011 at the old Parking Lot of Dreams. We decided to come together and complete this workout as a team of coaches to celebrate the first ever CrossFit Games Open. I imagine it’s just as spicy today as it was 3 years ago.

The weight being comparatively light, this workout is all about finding a groove and settling into a good pace. You don’t want to come out the gates too strong yet you don’t want to get left behind. A calm and collected mindset will allow you to find a pace that’s both efficient and smooth.


Just finished filming a discussion/prep vid for 14.1 with these...

Just finished filming a discussion/prep vid for 14.1 with these two. Everyone’s been traveling so much it’s good to finally get together and get caught up.

Love these guys @carlpaoli , @suppleleopard @mobilitywod

#sanfranciscocrossfit #fubarbell #mobilitywod #freestyleconnection #gymnasticswod #crossfit


Of the many things I love about weightlifting, one is the...

Of the many things I love about weightlifting, one is the inclusiveness of all the different body types and two is the development of an athlete’s specific technique.

I head down to hang out with my coach Jim Schmitz (@jimschmitz) once a week at The Sports Palace. The place is rich with history and Jim’s always got a good story or two to tell. He also records all of the local, national, World and Olympic level meets he attends. This benefits his lifters and gives everyone something to observe when they sit between sets during practice.


Pearce Dermody, owner of CrossFit 4500, and I have been working...

Pearce Dermody, owner of CrossFit 4500, and I have been working together since post Regionals 2013 to get him prepared for this upcoming Games season 2014.

It’s been a fun year of guiding Pearce through improving different avenues of his fitness. Coming into this season stronger and with a better engine, we’re looking to have some fun times!

Congratulations to Pearce for PRing his clean twice today. The first at 320lbs/145kg and the second at 335lbs/153kg for a total of a 20lbs lifetime PR.

Excited to start the Open! Are you ready?

