
Fu for thought: Comparison of 2 styles of kettlebell swings. I...

Fu for thought: Comparison of 2 styles of kettlebell swings. I spotted these 2 athletes wrapping up a WOD at our box and found it interesting the difference in how they used their legs and hips to transfer energy on to the kettlebell. Similar movement patterns can be found in Olympic weightlifting tying them to different styles of pull technique taught by various coaches — both utilized with effective outcomes.


Courtney Walker (@walkercourtney5), aspiring Games competitor,...

Courtney Walker (@walkercourtney5), aspiring Games competitor, demonstrates feats of strength with 4 190lbs power jerks at 125lbs bodyweight.

#FuBarbell #USAWeightlifting #USAW #weightlifting #crossfit #crossfitgirls #crossfitmen #Olympic #Olympicweightlifting #snatch #clean #cleanandjerk #technique #inspiration #motivation


3 cleans, 3 different styles of movement. Each of these athletes...

3 cleans, 3 different styles of movement. Each of these athletes uses a different style of pull to complete the rhythm. Some would state there to be a superior technique, but all 3 of these athletes continue to improve and move a high percentage of their squat strength. Why? Because they understand how to leverage their bodies to build speed onto the bar and get into a good receiving shape.


Excited to say that the FuBarbell tour is complete through March...

Excited to say that the FuBarbell tour is complete through March of 2014! Only 3 more seminars before wrapping up 2013. It’s been an exciting year!

To see the complete event schedule, check out:


#FuBarbell #USAWeightlifting #USAW #weightlifting #crossfit #crossfitgirls #crossfitmen #Olympic #Olympicweightlifting #snatch #clean #cleanandjerk #technique #inspiration #motivation


Kristin Newman has been an athlete pretty much her whole life. A...

Kristin Newman has been an athlete pretty much her whole life. A ballet dancer to start, then a national level judo wrestler, a momentary endurance runner, and now a powerlifting-Olympic weightlifting-crossfit butt-kicking badass.

Through all her years of athleticism, Kristin’s shoulders took a beating to a point where she had to get double shoulder surgery this past year to restore the joints to normal function.

