
Kendrick Farris (@kendrickjfarris, @blessthegym_kotp) is an...

Kendrick Farris (@kendrickjfarris, @blessthegym_kotp) is an Olympian. He is also a friend, role model and motivational driver. Teaching athletes how to achieve their personal best each day they step onto the platform is what Kendrick wraps into the message of Bless The Gym. Sharing similar views and philosophies, Kendrick and I wanted to bridge into an experience. It was a fun 4 days getting to know the man behind Bless The Gym and an even better time co-coaching the athletes. Check out this cool video Nate Helming (@natehelming) put together for us!


I’m very proud of this Faults & Fixes bundle, because...

I’m very proud of this Faults & Fixes bundle, because it’s a lot more than just programming…its about teaching you best practices for fixing faults with your lifts so that you can move a barbell efficiently and get the most our of your lifts!

codyapp.com/fixfaults. Link is in my bio.

This Fixes & Faults series helps you identify common faults, demonstrate progressive drills and assistance exercises, and discusses strategies to implement these drills. The videos will address stance, accuracy, speed, load, balance, extension, finishing, and recovery.


Last Saturday I did some power cleans off the blocks trying to...

Last Saturday I did some power cleans off the blocks trying to time the usage of my lats and quads. My timing was off and was only able to make 75kg/165lbs. After some lengthy discussions with Jon (@iamjwjw) and Coach Wu (@wuchuanfu), I’m starting to figure out the timing much better. Today I gained 5kg on this lift and made 80kg/176lbs which is also a lifetime PR power clean from the blocks. Still not a finished product, but it’s moving in the right direction.


Very excited to announce my newest @codyapp series that take you...

Very excited to announce my newest @codyapp series that take you through the ENTIRE sequence of Olympic-Style lifts, DIAGNOSE and FIX FAULTS for your footwork, extension, and finish in your lifts.

codyapp.com/fixfaults. Link is in my bio.

I get a lot of questions about helping people with their lifts and improving their technique… and that’s why I put together this bundle to help you identify common faults and recommend a series of progressions and drills to improve your skills!

