
You train hard. You play hard. You work even harder. Don’t...

You train hard. You play hard. You work even harder. Don’t lose sight of what ties it all together. Family.

Shout out to the man that keeps my back and body healthy @drtremaynedc!

#FuBarbell #UpperCervicalChiropractic #ReebokONE #CrossFit #Olympicstyleweightlifting #usaw #snatch #clean #cleanandjerk #technique #education #motivation #instagramfitness


I’ve been learning about Chinese-style WL methods now for...

I’ve been learning about Chinese-style WL methods now for almost 8 months. Through many long Skype sessions and my personal interpretation of Coach Wu’s (@wuchuanfu) explanations, I was able to start changing my movement patterns to start matching what I felt was a closer representation of this WL style.

It wasn’t until Jonathan Wong (@iamjwjw) came through last week that the process became clearer of the involvement of the lats and quads. My timing is still a bit off here, but 75kg/165lbs did feel pretty crisp racking on the shoulders.

