
We’ve been incorporating these Chinese-style high pulls...

We’ve been incorporating these Chinese-style high pulls into our programming this past month. The eventual goal is to have this movement help with the timing and tempo from 2nd to 3rd pull, but so far we all just feel kind of silly trying to develop the rhythm of coordinating the elbow drive with the knee release.

For those of you wanting to give this one a whirl, start light at around 80% of your 1RM and practice 3-5 sets of 2-4 reps. Don’t know your 1RM? No problem, go for something that feels like a 7-8/10 effort where 10 is a maximal load and go from there.


Hannah Kang (@hanagrams) has the most efficient jerk here at...

Hannah Kang (@hanagrams) has the most efficient jerk here at FuBarbell moving 178lbs/81kg at 130lbs/59kg BW. Not too shabby at all.

#FuBarbell #USAWeightlifting #USAW #weightlifting #crossfit #crossfitgirls #crossfitmen #Olympic #Olympicweightlifting #snatch #clean #cleanandjerk #technique #inspiration #motivation


We’ve all heard the benefits of training with a partner,...

We’ve all heard the benefits of training with a partner, with a club, watching YouTube videos of high level lifters do their thing.

Part of it is the psychological push of training with someone(s) better than you and sharing the common goal of trying to level up the playing field. But the other part is what we all wished we could do back when we were still in school: learn through osmosis while we slept drooling over our text books.


Calen Hall 255lbs/116kg clean&jerk at ~77kg/169lbs BW....

Calen Hall 255lbs/116kg clean&jerk at ~77kg/169lbs BW. Calen’s got some pretty wicked speed and is fun to watch.

#FuBarbell #USAW #weightlifting #crossfit #crossfitgirls #crossfitmen #Olympic #Olympicweightlifting #snatch #clean #cleanandjerk #technique #inspiration #motivation

