
The Chinese are big on accessory work post practice and will...

The Chinese are big on accessory work post practice and will often also use these movements to aide as active recovery for the body.

Want to understand the Chinese Weightlifting methodologies better? Diane Fu of FuBarbell has spent some time working with and studying Wu Chuanfu’s (@wuchuanfu) methodology and philosophies. Now she is doing a short mini-series of weekly emails introducing some key concepts of Chinese Weightlifting theory leading into Coach Wu’s seminar tour in the United States.


The low back is one of the weakest links in the body —...

The low back is one of the weakest links in the body — especially if you consider it’s role in both structural support and extension in weightlifting. This is something athletes that have attended a seminar with me hear me harp on when we start to discuss programming considerations. Last weekend, I picked up another neat low back training exercise from @nikita789 during the Russian WL seminar: The Superman GHD Hold.

